配菜烤菠萝: load of pretentious, incomprehensible twaddle. sort of a cross between first-semester screenwriting and a meandering architectural travelogue as Frances walks the streets admiring the real estate, chain-smoking, and giving away her fortune to park-bench vagrants and other assorted freaks and wackos. accompanied by so many shots of uneaten meals that the end credits include a “culinary stylist.” It’s good to see Michelle Pfeiffer in movies, but not in this one.
_绵瑜:就是谈爱情纯粹、直截了当地谈相爱和爱的难处30年前的剧了透过这剧看北京的城市面貌和人们的爱情观爱了就结婚不爱就离婚我是该说30年前先进忘了去懂你 电影还是说现在退步江珊和王志文现在看起来有点作这不应该就是爱情的模样吗现在的爱情剧爱得既不热烈也不甜蜜真不行
钦诺克风:熊孩子青春公路片青春就要傻了吧唧就对了吧算不算90后青春期版猜火车叛逆的某种新时代解读可不要真的50年后来一个忘了去懂你 电影2.
来桶鲁花花生油:最后拍得太好了起鸡皮疙瘩在 银河 里也有另一个房客的意象不知道是什么